KTR Media - ThunderBuddy01 Media Network
Network Announcements

This is the announcements page for the KTR Media Website. New, major updates regarding our stations worth mentioning will be added here! Please read them as they may be relatively important...or at least they'll be here for your enjoyment as our network continues to grow!
These announcements will be starting from March 2023 onward; announcements prior to this website's creation will not be featured.
Q1 2025: WE GOT CAP!!!
How's this for a Project 2025??? .... okay yeah that political comment will officially get me cancelled.
In all seriousness though, we got IPAWSCAP compliance as of Late December 2024. The Network has managed to get their hands on a second-hand Monroe Electronics OneNetSE-3EN on eBay, which was pulled from a University Setting in Colorado. With the help of some friends, the OneNet was upgraded from firmware version 2.0-2 - which wasn't even IPAWSCAP Compliant, mind you - all the way up to version 4.4-1. ​
NOTE: Yea, I'm aware there's a Version 5.x of the OneNet's - and DASDEC's - firmware, but since this one has a VIA chipset instead of an Intel chipset, I am unable to upgrade it to the absolute latest version of the firmware.
As far as other KTR Media updates go, as shown here, we were generously gifted a 30U Equipment Rack for Christmas, and with holiday funds being put towards getting accessories for said rack, we've officially reached near maximum capacity for monitors across the Operational Area.
For an update on our monitors, look at our Equipment Page!
A Founder's Message
Hey guys, Hailey Nichole from ThunderBuddy Media speaking. I apologize if I haven't been maintaining this website as much as I probably should be. Admittedly I kinda forgot this page existed, haha!
Work has been consuming so much of my time - and my motivation among other things - that I haven't been able to give my hobbies and special interests as much attention as I would like to give it. I'd love to try and make more time to allow for this station to grow, especially in the way I want it to, but at the moment I am currently trying to balance personal life goals along with my current living situation, which admittedly has a lot of ups and downs as of right now.
I will do whatever I can to get KTRMedia and ThunderBuddy Media going full speed ahead into and through the 2030s. I'll keep going until I can't, if push comes to shove.
All I ask is that y'all bear with me on this, as it's not gonna be the easiest task in the world to put myself up to.
KTR-IP Q1 2024 Update
KTR Media, powered by the ThunderBuddy01 Media Network, has expanded its music programming thanks to the help of many of close friends and colleagues of The Network. Music Programming has been switched from Apple Music to Spotify in order to allow the music variety to expand.
KTR Media will no longer be using Broadcast Using This Tool to operate its streams due to an unknown cause. To combat this, we will be using SECaster.
Additionally, we have switched mountpoints! We are now operating using this link: http://kevnradio.us:8000/KTR.
KTR-IP Officially Gains Music Programming
Powered By Apple Music
KTR Media, powered by the ThunderBuddy01 Media Network, has added music programming to its SAGE EAS Stream with the help from Apple Music. This has been a project that the network has been investing lots of time, money, and resources trying to troubleshoot and set up. The network would like to personally extend their thanks to former WTYO operator, EastNorCarWX, for their expertise and directions on getting music and other audio levels adjusted to allow for optimal programming over KTR-IP.
With the help of ThunderBuddy01's closest friends and colleagues, KTR-IP will feature a mixture of Hip Hop, Metal, Rock & Roll, and Country songs from the 80s, 90s, and today. More music is potentially on the way. Featured artists include:
Twisted Sister
Ed Sheeran
Justin Bieber
Sean Kingston
Iron Maiden
The ThunderBuddy01 Media Network is looking for listeners' feedback regarding the music selection. Do you have any song requests? Reach out to the network here!
At this time, there are no plans to add programming to KTR-IPTV due to the complex nature of getting stable video programming, as well as the network's other focuses towards further revamping the EASyCAST's capabilities.
Editor's note: Some of the music may not be appropriate for certain audiences, mostly due to profane language and other heavy topics. Listener discretion is advised. Do not blame the operator because the station played music that contained a word you don't like.